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Price, Quality and Value - are they REALLY what you think they are?

For years, the word value has been tied to low cost. In a positive sense, it suggests great quality at a low price. But is it really? Do you get what you THINK you are buying?


Well in Optics, not always! Some chain brands pitch themselves at Value, and sell products that match the prices. They work, they do pretty much what you would like and any shortcomings can be ignored as you didn’t pay very much for them. There are however, areas where the marketing around Value doesn’t actually play out to be as honest as it could be.


Here at Blur, we find that as our frames are of a very high quality, people want to reuse them rather than buy a new frame. All good, we say! Our frames are manufactured by people who make nothing else other than frames. Not handbags, shoes or jewelry – just Spectacle frames.  Day in and day out. It is what they do, and why our frames are built to last.


We may say All good, but not all Optometrists do! As an example, if you wanted our top-of-the-line fully customised progressives with Photochromic abilities and reflection free coating, you would pay around $820. Being a Zeiss lens, it is pretty much the best you can buy. The closest that one Chain Value Optometrist can get is to charge $930, and that isn’t for their “best” lens. We stand by our products. We only sell the best lenses that Carl Zeiss make.

So – “value” may mean you pay less (but not always!), but is it built to last? And if you want to use that frame again, are you paying far more than you need to? Is it actually “value” if you have to spend more to replace the products within a couple of years? Come and see us – let us show you the benefits of Quality, and why at Blur, Individual is all we do.
